2017 m. kovo 16 d., ketvirtadienis

Form 5c. Homework. Choose the correct pronoun:

  1. Whose is this bike? Is it really him/his?
  2. Is he your/yours teacher?
  3. Hey Ron! This is not our/ours car. Our/Ours is red.
  4. Lisa broke hers/her left leg.
  5. This is my/mine house, where's them/theirs?
  6. Is this Emily's room? – Yes, it's hers/her.
  7. I lost my/mine pen in the library. Can I have one of your/yours?
  8. Stop! – These sweets are all my/mine.
  9. Did you forget to do yours/your homework yesterday? – No I didn't. I did my/mine homework.
  10. Are these really you/your shoes? – Yes, these are my/mine shoes. – They are not your/yours.

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